Sensor Products

Updated:   07May2024   09:14:52   UTC 2024-05-07T09:14:52Z


Created:   12Apr2023   21:11:53   UTC 2023-04-12T21:11:53Z
Updated:   07May2024   09:19:12   UTC 2024-05-07T09:19:12Z

  • Resistor Voltage Divider Modules
  • Battery Fuel Gauges
  • AC Mains Voltage Sensors


Created:   10Dec2023   08:44:57   UTC 2023-12-10T08:44:57Z
Updated:   07May2024   22:32:24   UTC 2024-05-07T22:32:24Z

  • Shunt Resistor Sensors
  • Hall Effect Sensors
  • Solid and Split Core Current Transformers (CTCurrent Transformer)
  • Coulomb Counters


Created:   21Oct2022   20:27:49   UTC 2022-10-21T20:27:49Z
Updated:   08May2024   06:24:35   UTC 2024-05-08T06:24:35Z

DC Power Modules

  • INA219, INA226, INA260, and INA3221
  • MAX471
  • PZEM-13 and PZEM-17

AC Power Modules

  • PZEM-004T-10A and PZEM-004T-100A
  • PZEM-14 and PZEM-16


Created:   13Dec2023   18:37:07   UTC 2023-12-13T18:37:07Z
Updated:   08May2024   08:16:59   UTC 2024-05-08T08:16:59Z

  • Magnetic Contact Switches
  • Tilt Switches
  • Vibration
  • PIRPassive Infrared Sensors
  • IRInfrared Beams
  • Microwave
  • Accelerometers


Created:   06Dec2022   01:37:14   UTC 2022-12-06T01:37:14Z
Updated:   08May2024   19:24:06   UTC 2024-05-08T19:24:06Z

  • Ultrasonic
  • Time-Of-Flight (TOF)


Created:   16May2023   21:51:03   UTC 2023-05-16T21:51:03Z
Updated:   08May2024   20:05:41   UTC 2024-05-08T20:05:41Z

  • Thermistors
  • Resistance
  • Temperature Detectors (RTDs)
  • Thermocouples
  • Semiconductor ICs
  • Non-Contact Thermal Infrared (IR)


Created:   06Dec2022   03:29:41   UTC 2022-12-06T03:29:41Z
Updated:   08May2024   21:15:44   UTC 2024-05-08T21:15:44Z

  • Barometric
  • Ported
  • Differential
  • Submersible
  • Water Pressure


Created:   16May2023   18:51:43   UTC 2023-05-16T18:51:43Z
Updated:   08May2024   22:10:24   UTC 2024-05-08T22:10:24Z

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Pressure
  • Air Quality


Created:   08Dec2022   03:17:52   UTC 2022-12-08T03:17:52Z
Updated:   14May2024   00:17:29   UTC 2024-05-14T00:17:29Z

  • Eletret Microphones & Modules
  • MEMSMicro-Electro-Mechanical Systems is a technology that combines electronic and moving parts in microscopic devices. Microphone Modules


Created:   06Dec2022   05:59:52   UTC 2022-12-06T05:59:52Z
Updated:   14May2024   00:36:29   UTC 2024-05-14T00:36:29Z

  • Reed Switches
  • Hall Effect Switches
  • Linear Hall Effect Sensors
  • Magnetometers


Created:   08Dec2022   05:41:46   UTC 2022-12-08T05:41:46Z
Updated:   14May2024   01:07:01   UTC 2024-05-14T01:07:01Z

  • Photoresistors (LDRLight Dependent Resistor)
  • Photodiodes
  • Phototransistors
  • LUX


Created:   23Dec2023   07:55:40   UTC 2023-12-23T07:55:40Z
Updated:   09May2024   00:53:46   UTC 2024-05-09T00:53:46Z

  • Water Detection
  • Soil Moisture
  • Water Flow
  • Water Level


Created:   24Mar2023   08:28:47   UTC 2023-03-24T08:28:47Z
Updated:   14May2024   04:25:58   UTC 2024-05-14T04:25:58Z

  • Air Quality
  • Dust Sensors

Sensor Kits

Created:   05Nov2022   00:31:02   UTC 2022-11-05T00:31:02Z
Updated:   14May2024   04:35:44   UTC 2024-05-14T04:35:44Z

  • 5V Compatible Sensor Kits
  • 3.3V Compatible Sensor Kits

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