Temperature Sensor Products

Updated:   08May2024   20:05:41   UTC 2024-05-08T20:05:41Z


Created:   21Oct2022   04:51:31   UTC 2022-10-21T04:51:31Z
Updated:   13May2024   06:16:01   UTC 2024-05-13T06:16:01Z

  • Components
  • Waterproof Probes
  • Modules


Created:   24May2023   21:30:41   UTC 2023-05-24T21:30:41Z
Updated:   13May2024   10:13:42   UTC 2024-05-13T10:13:42Z

  • K-Type Probes & Connectors
  • MAX6675, MAX31850, MAX31855, and MAX31856 Amplifier Modules
  • AD8495 Amplifier Modules
  • MCP9600 and MCP9601 Amplifier Modules

Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs)

Created:   25May2023   23:57:50   UTC 2023-05-25T23:57:50Z
Updated:   13May2024   21:14:59   UTC 2024-05-13T21:14:59Z

  • 3 Wire Probes
  • 4 Wire Probes
  • MAX31865 Amplifier Modules

Created:   26May2023   01:56:28   UTC 2023-05-26T01:56:28Z
Updated:   13May2024   21:25:15   UTC 2024-05-13T21:25:15Z

  • 2 Wire Probes
  • 3 Wire Probes
  • MAX31865 Amplifier Modules

Semiconductor IC

Created:   18Nov2022   06:04:36   UTC 2022-11-18T06:04:36Z
Updated:   08May2024   20:59:11   UTC 2024-05-08T20:59:11Z

Analog semiconductor IC temperature sensors output an analog voltage that has a linear relationship to ambient temperature. They come in the form of ICs or breakout modules.

  • TMP36 and TMP235
  • LM34, LM35, and LM335

Created:   24May2023   20:37:01   UTC 2023-05-24T20:37:01Z
Updated:   13May2024   21:29:19   UTC 2024-05-13T21:29:19Z

Digital semiconductor IC temperature sensors have an internal ADC that outputs the ambient temperature measurements in the form of digital data over I2C or 1-Wire. They come in the form of ICs or breakout modules.

  • LM75
  • PCT2075
  • DS18B20
  • TMP102 and TMP117
  • MCP9808
  • AS6212

Non-Contact IR

Created:   26May2023   19:41:55   UTC 2023-05-26T19:41:55Z
Updated:   13May2024   22:00:09   UTC 2024-05-13T22:00:09Z

  • MLX90614 Modules

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