RF Communication

Updated:   05May2024   03:02:44   UTC 2024-05-05T03:02:44Z

Radio Modules


Created:   14Jul2022   07:49:55   UTC 2022-07-14T07:49:55Z
Updated:   05May2024   03:20:36   UTC 2024-05-05T03:20:36Z

Listings on the HC-12 module, how it works, and using it with different hardware.


Created:   04Jun2023   19:10:54   UTC 2023-06-04T19:10:54Z
Updated:   05May2024   03:56:59   UTC 2024-05-05T03:56:59Z

Listings on nRF24L01+ modules, how they work, and using them with different hardware.


Created:   04Jun2023   19:33:01   UTC 2023-06-04T19:33:01Z
Updated:   05May2024   04:06:04   UTC 2024-05-05T04:06:04Z

Listings on RFM69 modules, how they work, and using them with different hardware.

LoRa Modules

Created:   19Jun2023   17:03:18   UTC 2023-06-19T17:03:18Z
Updated:   15Aug2024   20:00:13   UTC 2024-08-15T20:00:13Z
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Comparison of different LoRa RF Modules

  • Reyax Modules
  • HopeRF Modules
  • Adafruit Modules

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