Data Acquisition Digital Inputs

Updated:   05May2024   00:19:35   UTC 2024-05-05T00:19:35Z


Created:   19Mar2023   00:09:37   UTC 2023-03-19T00:09:37Z
Updated:   06Aug2024   03:10:58   UTC 2024-08-06T03:10:58Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

What is a Digital Signal? What can you do with a digital signal? This article is an introduction to digital signals covering its usage and properties of the waveform, bit ordering, voltage level encoding, and timing.


Created:   11Aug2022   19:03:45   UTC 2022-08-11T19:03:45Z
Updated:   06Aug2024   05:16:16   UTC 2024-08-06T05:16:16Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

Covers the electrical characteristics of digital inputs into the GPIO of a microcontroller board or single board computer: voltage thresholds, leakage current, pull resistors, and maximum voltage and current levels.

Created:   27Mar2023   22:51:48   UTC 2023-03-27T22:51:48Z
Updated:   24Jun2024   08:11:19   UTC 2024-06-24T08:11:19Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

Covers the electrical compatibility of a microcontroller board or single board computer with external devices: Voltage Dividers, Level Converters/Shifters, Over-Voltage Protection, and Electrical Isolation.

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