About Data Capture Control

Created:   01Mar2023   18:46:19   UTC 2023-03-01T18:46:19Z
Updated:   04May2024   21:06:02   UTC 2024-05-04T21:06:02Z

Site Content

Data Capture Control provides content to help makers, inventors, and engineers design and construct electronic devices and software to acquire, process, record, manage, and visualize data. The goal of this site is to make data capture accessible to everyone, regardless of their previous experience or technical background.

The main features of the content on this site are

  • Understanding data flow from measurement, recording, processing, to visualization.
  • Hardware and software design that allows customization and the flexibility to manage your own data.
  • Accessibility of hardware components, devices, and equipment from different suppliers.
  • Test measurements that show how well devices and components perform.

I hope you find the content of this site informative and useful. This site is open to feedback and suggestions, so feel free to post your thoughts in the comment sections or contact us by email. Thank you for visiting Data Capture Control.