Data Acquisition

Updated:   05May2024   00:14:45   UTC 2024-05-05T00:14:45Z


Created:   25Jul2022   18:47:43   UTC 2022-07-25T18:47:43Z
Updated:   06Aug2024   01:12:36   UTC 2024-08-06T01:12:36Z
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Data Acquisition Hardware and Software Concepts and Terminology


Created:   16Jul2022   20:07:49   UTC 2022-07-16T20:07:49Z
Updated:   05May2024   00:20:51   UTC 2024-05-05T00:20:51Z

Listings of different sensors that covers Specs, Pinout, and Operation.

I/O Devices

Created:   26Jul2023   19:14:06   UTC 2023-07-26T19:14:06Z
Updated:   05May2024   00:18:09   UTC 2024-05-05T00:18:09Z

Listings of Single Board Computers and different development boards.

Created:   26Jul2023   19:04:57   UTC 2023-07-26T19:04:57Z
Updated:   05May2024   00:18:34   UTC 2024-05-05T00:18:34Z

Listings of Microcontrollers and different boards.

Created:   26Jul2023   19:15:30   UTC 2023-07-26T19:15:30Z
Updated:   05May2024   00:18:52   UTC 2024-05-05T00:18:52Z

Listings of USB Serial Adapters and different devices.

Digital Inputs

Created:   23Aug2023   23:24:11   UTC 2023-08-23T23:24:11Z
Updated:   05May2024   00:19:35   UTC 2024-05-05T00:19:35Z

  • Digital Signals
  • Electrical Characteristics of Digital Inputs
  • Interfacing Digital Inputs

Analog Inputs

Created:   24Aug2023   00:14:16   UTC 2023-08-24T00:14:16Z
Updated:   05May2024   00:51:29   UTC 2024-05-05T00:51:29Z

  • Analog Signals
  • Analog-To-Digital Converters (ADCs)
  • Electrical Interfacing


Created:   26Aug2023   02:17:34   UTC 2023-08-26T02:17:34Z
Updated:   05May2024   01:13:09   UTC 2024-05-05T01:13:09Z

  • Internal Memory
  • External Memory ICs and Modules


Created:   20May2024   01:15:17   UTC 2024-05-20T01:15:17Z
Updated:   13Jun2024   23:43:08   UTC 2024-06-13T23:43:08Z

How to make measurements with I/OInput/Output devices, such as microcontrollers, that read analog inputs with an ADCAnalog-to-Digital Converter (ADC, A/D, or A-to-D).

Computer Software

Created:   26Aug2023   19:28:18   UTC 2023-08-26T19:28:18Z
Updated:   05May2024   01:49:09   UTC 2024-05-05T01:49:09Z

  • Software Interface
  • Recording Data
  • Data Visualization

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