Wired Communication

Updated:   05May2024   02:10:21   UTC 2024-05-05T02:10:21Z


Created:   31Aug2023   00:46:09   UTC 2023-08-31T00:46:09Z
Updated:   11Aug2024   08:33:17   UTC 2024-08-11T08:33:17Z
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Covers terminology and concepts of wired communication systems:

  • Serial Transmission
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Transmission
  • USB, Ethernet, UART, I2C, and SPI
  • Transmission Rates


Created:   02Sep2023   07:47:03   UTC 2023-09-02T07:47:03Z
Updated:   05May2024   03:11:58   UTC 2024-05-05T03:11:58Z

Listings on wired UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter communication


Created:   03Sep2023   20:18:03   UTC 2023-09-03T20:18:03Z
Updated:   05May2024   02:23:09   UTC 2024-05-05T02:23:09Z

Listings on wired I2CInter-Integrated Circuit. Also referred to as IIC or I2C. communication


Created:   01Nov2023   06:59:38   UTC 2023-11-01T06:59:38Z
Updated:   05May2024   02:52:54   UTC 2024-05-05T02:52:54Z

Listings on wired SPISerial Peripheral Interface communication

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