Data Acquisition Computer Software

Updated:   05May2024   01:49:09   UTC 2024-05-05T01:49:09Z

Software Interface

Created:   27Oct2022   23:29:36   UTC 2022-10-27T23:29:36Z
Updated:   07Aug2024   04:39:18   UTC 2024-08-07T04:39:18Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

PySerial functional interface and how it works under the hood.

Recording Data

Created:   22Oct2022   19:21:09   UTC 2022-10-22T19:21:09Z
Updated:   07Aug2024   05:23:19   UTC 2024-08-07T05:23:19Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

Read in data to a computer from a microcontroller over USB using PySerial and storing the data to a CSV file. Microcontroller programs are given in both Arduino code and MicroPython.

Data Visualization

Created:   31Oct2022   07:19:06   UTC 2022-10-31T07:19:06Z
Updated:   07Aug2024   06:05:49   UTC 2024-08-07T06:05:49Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

How to plot real-time data with Python using Matplotlib.

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