
Updated:   05May2024   00:18:34   UTC 2024-05-05T00:18:34Z


Created:   25Sep2022   22:10:38   UTC 2022-09-25T22:10:38Z
Updated:   17Aug2024   20:57:54   UTC 2024-08-17T20:57:54Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

Overview of microcontrollers with a comparison of different MCUs covering CPU, Memory, I/O Ports, Timers, Interrupts, and System Bus.

Arduino Boards

Created:   07Apr2023   18:18:45   UTC 2023-04-07T18:18:45Z
Updated:   18Aug2024   02:33:48   UTC 2024-08-18T02:33:48Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

The Arduino Uno R3 is a microcontroller board based on the Atmega238P MCU that is designed for prototyping. This is a hardware overview of the board that covers:

  • Specs
  • Board Layout
  • Different ways of powering the board and output power
  • Digital I/O, Analog Inputs, and Communication Interfaces (UART/I2C/SPI)

Created:   20Nov2023   19:40:22   UTC 2023-11-20T19:40:22Z
Updated:   18Aug2024   04:04:37   UTC 2024-08-18T04:04:37Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

The Arduino Nano is a small breadboard-friendly microcontroller board based on the ATmega328 MCU. This is a hardware overview of the board that covers:

  • Specs
  • Board Layout
  • Different ways of powering the board and output power
  • Digital I/O, Analog Inputs, and Communication Interfaces (UART/I2C/SPI)
  • Accessories

RPi Pico Boards

Created:   09Apr2023   02:58:19   UTC 2023-04-09T02:58:19Z
Updated:   18Aug2024   08:09:36   UTC 2024-08-18T08:09:36Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

Overview of the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller board that covers specs, board layout, and power.

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