Motion Sensors

Updated:   05May2024   19:41:18   UTC 2024-05-05T19:41:18Z

Motion Detection Switches

Created:   08May2023   01:37:10   UTC 2023-05-08T01:37:10Z
Updated:   25Aug2024   01:39:06   UTC 2024-08-25T01:39:06Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

Overview of the different kinds of magnetic contact switches.

  • Normally Closed (NC)
  • Normally Open (NO)
  • Normally Closed/Open (NC/NO)

Proximity Motion Detection

Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensors

Created:   08May2023   06:41:15   UTC 2023-05-08T06:41:15Z
Updated:   25Aug2024   03:28:52   UTC 2024-08-25T03:28:52Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors detect whether a human or animal has moved in or out of the sensor's field of view. This overview of Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors will cover the most common modules, how they operate, and their capabilities.

Microwave Proximity Sensors

Created:   10May2023   03:16:28   UTC 2023-05-10T03:16:28Z
Updated:   25Aug2024   06:17:35   UTC 2024-08-25T06:17:35Z
Rating:  (0 reviewsThis article has not been rated yet)

Microwave motion sensors use radar to determine motion in the proximity of the sensor. This overview of Microwave motion sensors will cover the most common modules, how they operate, and their capabilities.

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