Power & Energy Monitoring

Updated:   05May2024   23:57:52   UTC 2024-05-05T23:57:52Z


Created:   07Dec2022   02:06:53   UTC 2022-12-07T02:06:53Z
Updated:   29Aug2024   19:42:12   UTC 2024-08-29T19:42:12Z
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Components of an electrical power and energy monitoring system for appliances, electronic devices, and mains electricity using voltage, current, and power sensors connected to a microcontroller that transmits wireless data to a computer.


Created:   19Apr2023   05:14:07   UTC 2023-04-19T05:14:07Z
Updated:   05May2024   00:17:31   UTC 2024-05-05T00:17:31Z

Listings of sensors that can detect or measure DCDirect Current and ACAlternating Current voltage:

  • Resistor Voltage Divider Sensors
  • Li-ionLithium-ion and LiPoLithium Polymer Battery Fuel Gauge Modules
  • AC Mains Voltage Detectors and Sensor Modules

Created:   19Apr2023   15:31:21   UTC 2023-04-19T15:31:21Z
Updated:   05May2024   09:27:50   UTC 2024-05-05T09:27:50Z

Listings of sensors that can measure DCDirect Current and ACAlternating Current current:

  • Shunt Resistor Sensors
  • Hall Effect Sensors
  • Solid & Split Core CTCurrent Transformer Sensors
  • Coulomb Counters

Created:   19Apr2023   15:56:32   UTC 2023-04-19T15:56:32Z
Updated:   05May2024   19:18:26   UTC 2024-05-05T19:18:26Z

Listings of sensors that can measure ACAlternating Current/DCDirect Current voltage and current to compute power consumption:

  • INA219, INA226, INA260, INA3221
  • MAX471
  • PZEM-004T

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