Motion Sensor Products

Updated:   08May2024   08:16:59   UTC 2024-05-08T08:16:59Z

Motion Switch Sensors

Magnetic Contact Switches

Created:   05Nov2022   00:29:36   UTC 2022-11-05T00:29:36Z
Updated:   08May2024   09:20:31   UTC 2024-05-08T09:20:31Z

Magnetic contact switches are often used to detect if a door or window is open/closed. It consists of a magnet and reed switch in separate enclosures (ABS plastic or metal), where the switch turns on/off when the magnet is near the reed switch.

Tilt Switches

Created:   13Dec2023   21:50:49   UTC 2023-12-13T21:50:49Z
Updated:   08May2024   09:26:56   UTC 2024-05-08T09:26:56Z

Tilt switch sensors detect orientation or inclination. The switch is open when the sensor is horizontal and closes when tilted tilted upright.

Vibration Sensors

Created:   14Dec2023   03:49:46   UTC 2023-12-14T03:49:46Z
Updated:   08May2024   09:32:09   UTC 2024-05-08T09:32:09Z

Vibration switch sensors detect repetitive mechanical motion and output a digital alarm signal. Common vibration switch sensors used in modules are:

  • SW-420
  • SW-18010P
  • 801S

Created:   14Dec2023   21:21:50   UTC 2023-12-14T21:21:50Z
Updated:   08May2024   09:37:44   UTC 2024-05-08T09:37:44Z

Vibration analog sensors respond to repetitive mechanical motion and output an analog voltage signal in order to measure the amount of vibration. The most common type of sensors that convert vibration to voltage are piezoelectric.

PIR Sensors

Created:   15Dec2023   00:18:39   UTC 2023-12-15T00:18:39Z
Updated:   08May2024   09:40:57   UTC 2024-05-08T09:40:57Z

Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors detect whether a human or animal has moved in or out of the sensor's field of view.

Microwave Proximity Sensors

Created:   15Dec2023   01:07:15   UTC 2023-12-15T01:07:15Z
Updated:   08May2024   09:46:53   UTC 2024-05-08T09:46:53Z

Microwave motion sensors use radar to determine motion in the proximity of the sensor. One of the benefits of microwave motion sensors is they are adaptive to environment conditions, not influenced by temperature, humidity, noise, air flow, dust, light, etc.

IR Beam Sensors

Created:   15Dec2023   02:20:59   UTC 2023-12-15T02:20:59Z
Updated:   08May2024   09:51:36   UTC 2024-05-08T09:51:36Z

Infrared (IR) beams are invisible to the naked eye and are used to detect anything that crosses a threshold. It works by emitting an IR beam of light to a receiver, where detection occurs when an object blocks the beam.


Created:   15Dec2023   22:41:38   UTC 2023-12-15T22:41:38Z
Updated:   08May2024   10:01:14   UTC 2024-05-08T10:01:14Z

The ADXL345 MEMSMicro-Electro-Mechanical Systems is a technology that combines electronic and moving parts in microscopic devices. ICIntegrated Circuit is a 3-axis accelerometer that can measure acceleration in the x, y, and z directions with high resolution (13-bit) up to ±16g. The output data is accessible through either an I2CInter-Integrated Circuit. Also referred to as IIC or I2C. or SPISerial Peripheral Interface (3-wire or 4-wire) digital interface.

Created:   15Dec2023   22:55:49   UTC 2023-12-15T22:55:49Z
Updated:   08May2024   10:13:39   UTC 2024-05-08T10:13:39Z

The MPU-6050 MEMSMicro-Electro-Mechanical Systems is a technology that combines electronic and moving parts in microscopic devices. ICIntegrated Circuit consists of two sensors, one is a 3-axis accelerometer and the other is a 3-axis gyroscope, making it a 6DOF6 Degrees of Freedom IMUInertial Measurement Unit . It can measure acceleration and rotation along all three axes, where the data is output through a digital I2CInter-Integrated Circuit. Also referred to as IIC or I2C. interface.

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