Liquid Sensor Products

Updated:   09May2024   00:53:46   UTC 2024-05-09T00:53:46Z

Water Detection

Created:   19Nov2022   06:07:47   UTC 2022-11-19T06:07:47Z
Updated:   14May2024   01:44:21   UTC 2024-05-14T01:44:21Z

  • Leak Detectors
  • Rain Drop Detectors

Soil Moisture

Created:   05Jan2024   22:11:32   UTC 2024-01-05T22:11:32Z
Updated:   14May2024   01:57:38   UTC 2024-05-14T01:57:38Z

  • Resistive
  • Capacitive
  • Temperature & Humidity

Water Flow

Created:   06Jan2024   03:01:57   UTC 2024-01-06T03:01:57Z
Updated:   14May2024   02:08:46   UTC 2024-05-14T02:08:46Z

  • Turbine Hall Effect Sensors
  • Water Meters

Water Level

Created:   06Jan2024   02:13:13   UTC 2024-01-06T02:13:13Z
Updated:   14May2024   02:29:32   UTC 2024-05-14T02:29:32Z

  • Resistive
  • Float Switch
  • Optical
  • Pressure
  • Ultrasonic
  • Capacitive

Water Quality

Created:   29Feb2024   23:46:48   UTC 2024-02-29T23:46:48Z
Updated:   14May2024   02:51:10   UTC 2024-05-14T02:51:10Z

  • TDSTotal Dissolved Solids (TDS) is a measure of the amount of total combined organic and inorganic substances dissolved in water and can be expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L) or parts per million (ppm). The TDS value is used to indicate water quality, where typically higher TDS values indicate poorer water quality.
  • Turbidity

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