MAX471 DC Power Sensor Products

Updated:   13May2024 02:55:45 UTC 2024-05-13T02:55:45Z


The MAX471 ICIntegrated Circuit is a high-side current-sense amplifier that produces an analog output voltage proportional to the input current (1 Volt/Amp). It can measure currents within ±3A, with an open-collector SIGN output that indicates current-flow direction. The MAX471 IC is available in generic modules, where more details on the board layout with pin descriptions can be found in the Power Sensors article.

MAX471 Modules

Comimark MAX471 Voltage Current Sensor Module
Package includes:
  • 1x Max471 Voltage Current Sensor Votage Sensor Current Sensor
Price: $4.29(Updated 07Aug2024 22:10:392024-08-07T22:10:39Z UTC UTC)

DKARDU MAX471 Voltage Current Sensor Module with Dupont Cable (2PCS)
Seller: DKARDU
Package includes:
  • 2x MAX471 Module
  • 1x 8-pin male and female DuPont cable
Price: Unavailable (Updated 08Aug2024 08:38:442024-08-08T08:38:44Z UTC UTC)

Rakstore MAX471 Voltage Current Sensor Module
Seller: Rakstore
Package includes:
  • 1x MAX471 Module
Price: Unavailable (Updated 08Aug2024 08:38:582024-08-08T08:38:58Z UTC UTC)

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