FTDI FT231X USB Serial Adapter Products

Updated:   12May2024 08:25:39 UTC 2024-05-12T08:25:39Z


The FTDIFuture Technology Devices International FT231X ICIntegrated Circuit is a USB Serial Adapter that converts USB signals to 2-wire UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (TXTransmit, RXReceive) for 3.3V or 5V systems. It operates at USB Full Speed and supports baud rates from 300bps to 3Mbps.

This adapter should auto install on most operating systems without the need for additional drivers.

The FT231X IC has power pins (VCC, GND), data pins (TX, RX), control pins (RI, DTR, DSR, DCD, RTS, CTR), and CBUS GPIOGeneral Purpose Input Output pins (CBUS0-CBUS3), defined in the table below. However, some modules may not include some or all of the control pins or CBUS pins.

FT231X Pinout
Pin Description
VCC Output power supply 3.3V or 5V
3V3OUT Output power supply 3.3V
GND Common ground for power and logic.
TX UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter data transmit pin. This pin sends the serial output.
RX UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter data receive pin. This pin receives the serial input.
RI Ring Indicator Control Input. This pin is active low.
DTR Data Terminal Ready output. This pin is active low.
DSR Data Set Ready input. This pin is active low.
DCD Data Carrier Detect input that is usually present inside an RS-232 cable.
RTS Ready To Send control output. This pin is active low.
CTR Clear To Send control input. This pin is active low.
4 Configurable CBUS I/O pins


FT231X Specs
Feature Description
Manufacturer FTDIFuture Technology Devices International
Product Page
Protocol Support UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter
I/O Voltage 3.3V or 5V
Max Baud Rate 3 Mbps
Datasheet FT231X Datasheet (PDF)


SparkFun BOB-13263 FT231X Breakout Kit
Package includes:
  • 1x USB Serial Adapter
Price: $13.95(Updated 10Aug2024 09:05:032024-08-10T09:05:03Z UTC UTC)

SparkFun BOB-13263 FT231X Breakout Kit
Package includes:
  • 1x USB Serial Adapter
Price: $14.95(Updated 10Aug2024 09:07:142024-08-10T09:07:14Z UTC UTC)

SparkFun KIT-18291 FT231X Breakout Kit
Package includes:
  • 1x USB Serial Adapter
  • 1x Reversible USB-A to Reversible Micro-B Cable - 0.8m
  • 1x Break Away Headers - Straight
Price: $17.50(Updated 10Aug2024 09:07:222024-08-10T09:07:22Z UTC UTC)

SparkFun KIT-18291 FT231X Breakout Kit
Seller: SparkFun Electronics Inc.
Package includes:
  • 1x USB Serial Adapter
  • 1x Reversible USB-A to Reversible Micro-B Cable - 0.8m
  • 1x Break Away Headers - Straight
Price: $17.50(Updated 07Aug2024 21:05:492024-08-07T21:05:49Z UTC UTC)

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