WCH CH340 USB Serial Adapter Products

Updated:   12May2024 02:01:03 UTC 2024-05-12T02:01:03Z


A common and inexpensive USB Serial Adapter is the CH340 ICIntegrated Circuit, which converts USB signals to 2-wire UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (TXTransmit, RXReceive) for 5V and 3.3V systems. It operates at USB Full Speed and supports baud rates from 50bps to 2Mbps. This adapter should auto install on most operating systems without the need for additional drivers. The CH340 has power pins (VCC, GND), data pins (TX, RX), and control pins (DTR, CTR), defined in the table below.

CH340 Pinout
Pin Description
VCC Power supply 3.3V (default) or 5V
GND Common ground for power and logic.
TX UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter data transmit pin. This pin sends the serial output.
RX UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter data receive pin. This pin receives the serial input.
DTR Data Terminal Ready output. This pin is active low.
CTR Clear To Send control input. This pin is active low.


CH340 Specs
Feature Description
Manufacturer Jiangsu Qinheng / WCHWinChipHead, also known as Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co.
Product Page
Protocol Support UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter
I/O Voltage 3.3V / 5V
Max Baud Rate 2 Mbps
Datasheet CH340 Datasheet (PDF)


SparkFun DEV-14050 Serial Basic Breakout - CH340G Development Tool with USB Micro-B connector
Package includes:
  • 1x USB Serial Adapter
Price: $8.95(Updated 10Aug2024 09:02:282024-08-10T09:02:28Z UTC UTC)

SparkFun DEV-14050 Serial Basic Breakout - CH340G Development Tool with USB Micro-B connector
Seller: SparkFun Electronics Inc.
Package includes:
  • 1x USB Serial Adapter
Price: $9.50(Updated 07Aug2024 21:07:162024-08-07T21:07:16Z UTC UTC)

SparkFun DEV-14050 Serial Basic Breakout - CH340G Development Tool with USB Micro-B connector
Package includes:
  • 1x USB Serial Adapter
Price: $8.95(Updated 10Aug2024 09:02:352024-08-10T09:02:35Z UTC UTC)

SparkFun DEV-15096 Serial Basic Breakout - CH340C with USB-C Connector
Package includes:
  • 1x USB Serial Adapter
Price: $9.95(Updated 10Aug2024 09:02:422024-08-10T09:02:42Z UTC UTC)

SparkFun DEV-15096 Serial Basic Breakout - CH340C with USB-C Connector
Seller: SparkFun Electronics Inc.
Package includes:
  • 1x USB Serial Adapter
Price: $9.95(Updated 07Aug2024 21:07:332024-08-07T21:07:33Z UTC UTC)

HiLetgo USB to Serial Adapter - CH340C with USB Type-A Connector (5PCS)
Seller: HiLetgo
Package includes:
  • 5x USB Serial Adapter
Price: $9.79(Updated 10Aug2024 09:04:252024-08-10T09:04:25Z UTC UTC)

DSD TECH SH-U07B USB to Serial Adapter - CH340C with USB Type-A Connector (2PCS)
Seller: DSD TECH Direct
Package includes:
  • 2x USB Serial Adapter
  • 1x 6-Pin Female to Female Dupont Cable
Price: $8.99(Updated 10Aug2024 09:04:402024-08-10T09:04:40Z UTC UTC)

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