SparkFun Thing Plus DA16200 Products

Updated:   07Sep2024 08:01:17 UTC 2024-09-07T08:01:17Z


The SparkFun WRL-19696 Thing Plus microcontroller board has an ultra low power DA16200MOD WiFi module (Datasheet PDF) with a 32-Bit Arm Cortex-M4F Single-Core 160MHz processor, RTCReal-Time Clock (±250 ppm), 4MB flash memory, and a PCBPrinted Circuit Board antenna.

The DA16200MOD provides 2.4GHz 802.11IEEE 802.11 is a set of protocol standards that define communication for a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). In order for WiFi to work between different devices, they all need to agree on how they are going to communicate. The current version of the standard is IEEE 802.11-2007, with many amendments such as 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n.b/g/n WiFi with a TCP/IPTCP/IP is a suite of internet communication protocols. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is responsible for establishing reliable, ordered data delivery, and handling congestion control, while IP (Internet Protocol) focuses on routing packets of data to their destination. stack that can operate in Station or SoftAP modes, has WPAWi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is an encryption security protocol for 802.11 wireless networks to protect the information you send and receive over a wireless network. WPA was released in 2003 as a replacement to the increasingly apparent vulnerabilities of the WEP standard./WPA2Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) is an encryption security protocol for 802.11 wireless networks to protect the information you send and receive over a wireless network. WPA2 was released in 2004 as a replacement of WPA./WPA3Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3) is an encryption security protocol for 802.11 wireless networks to protect the information you send and receive over a wireless network. WPA3 was released in 2018 as a replacement of WPA2. encryption, and is certified by many countries including the United States (FCCFederal Communications Commission), Canada (ICIndustry Canada), Europe (CEThe Conformité Européene (CE) certification for wireless devices intended for the European Economic Area (EEA) market. "Conformité Européene" is French for "European conformity".), and China (SRRCState Radio Regulation of China).

This board has a USB-C connector for power and data transfer with a CH340 USB to UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter chip that allows your computer to program and communicate with the DA16200MOD. A 2-Pin JSTJapan Solderless Terminal connector is included so the board can be powered using a 3.7V LiPoLithium Polymer/Li-ionLithium-ion battery. There is also a MCP73831 battery charge management controller, so when the USB is powered, it will automatically switch over to USB for power, as well as start charging the battery (if attached).

The board has an RTCReal-Time Clock switch that can set the DA16200MOD as an external WiFi module to be controlled by an external microcontroller. The board also has a reset button and three indicator LEDLight Emitting Diodes (PWR power red LED, CHG charge status yellow LED and GPIO A11 general purpose status/test blue LED).

A 4-Pin QwiicQwiic connectors are SparkFun's name for 4-pin JST SH connectors with 1.0mm pitch. These connectors were implemented on SparkFun boards to make it easy to plug-n-play various sensors and devices without soldering and wiring. Qwiic is cross-compatible with Adafruit's STEMMA QT connectors. connector is provided for I2CInter-Integrated Circuit. Also referred to as IIC or I2C. communication. There are 2x5 pin through holes on the board for a JTAGJoint Test Action Group header, to be used with debugging probe, where the JTAG pins breakout the SWDSerial Wire Debug (software debug) pins to the DA16200MOD module. There are 28x pin through holes on the sides of the board with 3.3V (max) logic level voltage for the I/OInput/Output consisting of 16x multifunctional GPIOGeneral Purpose Input Output pins, 4x 12-bit ADCAnalog-to-Digital Converter (ADC, A/D, or A-to-D) channels, 2x UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter, 1x I2CInter-Integrated Circuit. Also referred to as IIC or I2C., and 1x SPISerial Peripheral Interface.

The board can be powered with 5V with the USB-C connector, JST battery connector, or pin through holes. There are three ultra low power sleep modes with current draws as low as 0.2µA to 3.5µA. The board has a feather form factor with a size of 58.42mm x 22.86mm (2.3in x 0.9in).

Dev Boards

SparkFun WRL-19696 Thing Plus - DA16200
Package includes:
  • 1x Thing Plus DA16200 Board
Price: $14.95(Updated 09Oct2024 07:19:242024-10-09T07:19:24Z UTC UTC)

SparkFun WRL-19696 Thing Plus - DA16200
Seller: SparkFun Electronics Inc.
Package includes:
  • 1x Thing Plus DA16200 Board
Price: $34.95(Updated 09Oct2024 07:19:302024-10-09T07:19:30Z UTC UTC)

SparkFun WRL-19696 Thing Plus - DA16200
Package includes:
  • 1x Thing Plus DA16200 Board
Price: $34.95(Updated 09Oct2024 07:19:372024-10-09T07:19:37Z UTC UTC)

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