ESP32 DFRobot FireBeetle Products

Updated:   06Sep2024 21:31:04 UTC 2024-09-06T21:31:04Z


The DFRobot DFR0478 FireBeetle ESP32 microcontroller board has a ESP32-WROOM-32D module (Datasheet PDF) that contains the ESP32-D0WD SoCSystem On a Chip with a 32-Bit Dual-Core 240MHz Xtensa LX6 processor, 16MB SPISerial Peripheral Interface Flash memory chip, and PCBPrinted Circuit Board antenna to provide WiFi (2.4GHz 802.11IEEE 802.11 is a set of protocol standards that define communication for a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). In order for WiFi to work between different devices, they all need to agree on how they are going to communicate. The current version of the standard is IEEE 802.11-2007, with many amendments such as 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n.b/g/n up to 150Mbps) and Bluetooth (v4.2 BRBasic Rate/EDREnhanced Data Rate and BLEBluetooth Low Energy) connectivity.

This board has a Micro-B USB connector for power and data transfer with a CH340 USB to UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter chip that allows your computer to program and communicate with the microcontroller. A 2-Pin JSTJapan Solderless Terminal connector is included so the board can be powered using a 3.7V lithium battery. There is also battery charging chip, so when the USB is powered, it will automatically switch over to USB for power, as well as start charging the battery (if attached).

User interfaces include a reset button and two LEDLight Emitting Diodes (CHG charge status red LED and L general purpose blue LED).

The I/OInput/Output pins are all 3.3V (max) and includes

  • 10x GPIOGeneral Purpose Input Output with PWMPulse-Width Modulation
  • 5x analog inputs (12-bit ADCAnalog-to-Digital Converter (ADC, A/D, or A-to-D))
  • Communication interfaces 1x UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter, 1x I2CInter-Integrated Circuit. Also referred to as IIC or I2C., 1x SPISerial Peripheral Interface, 1x I2SInter-IC Sound, and 1x SDIOSecure Digital Input Output (SDIO) is a communication interface that allows devices to connect to an SD card and exchange data..

The board has a size of 58mm x 29mm (2.28in x 1.14in).


DFRobot DFR0478 FireBeetle ESP32 Dev Board
Package includes:
  • 1x FireBeetle ESP32 Board
  • 2x 18-Pin Straight Male Header
  • 2x 18-Pin Straight Female Header
Price: $8.90(Updated 10Aug2024 06:02:542024-08-10T06:02:54Z UTC UTC)

DFRobot DFR0478 FireBeetle ESP32 Dev Board
Package includes:
  • 1x FireBeetle ESP32 Board
Price: $8.43(Updated 10Aug2024 06:03:032024-08-10T06:03:03Z UTC UTC)

DFRobot DFR0478 FireBeetle ESP32 Dev Board
Package includes:
  • 1x FireBeetle ESP32 Board
Price: $17.44(Updated 10Aug2024 06:03:202024-08-10T06:03:20Z UTC UTC)

DFRobot DFR0478 FireBeetle ESP32 Dev Board
Seller: DFRobot
Package includes:
  • 1x FireBeetle ESP32 Board
  • 2x 18-Pin Straight Male Header
  • 2x 18-Pin Straight Female Header
Price: $13.22(Updated 10Aug2024 06:04:282024-08-10T06:04:28Z UTC UTC)

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