Digispark ATtiny85 (USB Micro-B) Microcontroller Board Products

Updated:   17Sep2024 08:10:00 UTC 2024-09-17T08:10:00Z


The Digispark Kickstarter ATtiny85 USB Micro-B microcontroller board breaks out the ATtiny85 MCU chip on a small board (0.9in x 0.7in). The board includes a USB Micro-B connector for power and programming, 5V 500mA regulator, power LEDLight Emitting Diode, and user LED.

8-bit ARM Advanced RISCReduced Instruction Set Computer Architecture processor that can run at 16.5MHz.
  • 512 bytes SRAMStatic Random Access Memory
  • 512 bytes EEPROMElectrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
  • 8KB Flash
  • 1x USB Micro-B connector
  • 6x Digital I/OInput/Output with 3x PWMPulse-Width Modulation (5V Logic)
  • 4x Analog Inputs 10-bit 15kSPS ADCAnalog-to-Digital Converter (ADC, A/D, or A-to-D) (0V to 5V range)
  • Communication Interfaces (5V Logic): 1x USIUniversal Serial Interface, 1x I2CInter-Integrated Circuit. Also referred to as IIC or I2C., 1x SPISerial Peripheral Interface
User Interfaces
  • 1x Power LED
  • 1x Test/Status User LED (Pin 0)
The board can be powered with 5V using the USB Micro-B connector. There are also a few power related pins.
  • VIN input pin can be used to power the board with an external source between 7V to 35V. This pin is input into the 5V 500mA onboard regulator.
  • 5V output pin is the 5V regulated output voltage (100mA) from the onboard regulator.
  • GND pin is the common/ground/0V reference.
Board Size
23mm x 17.5mm (0.91in x 0.69in)


CANADUINO Digispark ATtiny85 (USB Micro-B) Microcontroller Board
Seller: UNIVERSAL-SOLDER Electronics Ltd. Canada
Package includes:
  • 1x ATtiny85 Board
  • 1x 9-Pin Straight Male Header
Price: $4.37(Updated 16Sep2024 23:14:502024-09-16T23:14:50Z UTC UTC)

Gump's grocery Digispark ATtiny85 (USB Micro-B) Microcontroller Board
Seller: Gump's grocery
Package includes:
  • 1x ATtiny85 Board
  • 1x 9-Pin Straight Male Header
Price: $4.99(Updated 16Sep2024 23:21:222024-09-16T23:21:22Z UTC UTC)

ACEIRMC Digispark Kickstarter Mini ATTINY85 Micro-B USB Microcontroller Module (6PCS)
Seller: Aceirmc US
Package includes:
  • 6x ATtiny Modules
  • 6x 9-Pin Straight Male Header
Price: $18.99(Updated 07Aug2024 23:12:272024-08-07T23:12:27Z UTC UTC)

ACEIRMC Digispark Kickstarter Mini ATTINY85 Micro-B USB Microcontroller Module (8PCS)
Seller: Aceirmc US
Package includes:
  • 8x ATtiny Modules
  • 8x 9-Pin Straight Male Header
Price: $24.99(Updated 10Aug2024 09:01:242024-08-10T09:01:24Z UTC UTC)

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