Adafruit QT Py RP2040 Microcontroller Board Products

Updated:   17Sep2024 06:41:55 UTC 2024-09-17T06:41:55Z


The Adafruit QT Py RP2040 microcontroller board breaks out the RP2040 MCUMicrocontroller Unit on a small thumb-sized board (0.9in x 0.7in). The board includes an 8MB flash chip to store program code, USB-C connector for power and programming, STEMMA QTSTEMMA QT ('cutie') connectors are Adafruit's name for 4-pin JST SH connectors with 1.0mm pitch. These connectors were implemented on Adafruit boards to make it easy to plug-n-play various sensors and devices without soldering and wiring. The STEMMA QT (JST SH) are a smaller connector than the STEMMA (JST PH) that do not fit on smaller boards. STEMMA QT is cross-compatible with SparkFun Qwiic connectors. connector for I2CInter-Integrated Circuit. Also referred to as IIC or I2C., boot button, reset button, and NeoPixel RGBRed Green Blue LEDLight Emitting Diode.

RP2040 Dual-Core 32-bit ARMAdvanced Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) Machines Cortex M0+ processors up to 133MHz
  • 8MB QSPIQuad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) is a serial communication interface designed for talking to flash chips by using 4 data lines. Flash Chip
  • 264KB SRAMStatic Random Access Memory
  • 1x USB-C connector (USB 1.1 Host or Device Full/Low speed)
  • 13x Digital I/OInput/Output with 10x 16-bit PWMPulse-Width Modulation (3.3V Logic)
  • 4x analog input pins 12-bit 500ksps ADCAnalog-to-Digital Converter (ADC, A/D, or A-to-D) (0V to 3.3V range)
  • Communication Interfaces (3.3V Logic): 2x UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter, 2x I2CInter-Integrated Circuit. Also referred to as IIC or I2C. (1x STEMMA QT), and 2x SPISerial Peripheral Interface
User Interface
  • 1x Boot Button
  • 1x Reset Button
  • 1x NeoPixel Addressable RGB LED
The board can be powered by the USB-C connector. There are also a few power related pins.
  • 5V pin is voltage out from the USB port.
  • 3V pin is the regulated output from the onboard regulator that you can draw up to 500mA.
  • GND is the common/ground/0V reference.
Board Size
21.8mm x 17.8mm (0.9in x 0.7in)


Adafruit 4900 QT Py - RP2040 Microcontroller Board with Stemma QT
Package includes:
  • 1x QT Py board
  • 1x 16-Pin Straight Male Header
Price: $9.95(Updated 10Aug2024 09:00:532024-08-10T09:00:53Z UTC UTC)

Adafruit 4900 QT Py – RP2040 Microcontroller Board with Stemma QT
Package includes:
  • 1x QT Py board
  • 1x 16-Pin Straight Male Header
Price: $12.19(Updated 07Aug2024 23:06:092024-08-07T23:06:09Z UTC UTC)

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