Adafruit ItsyBitsy M0 SAMD51 Microcontroller Board Products

Updated:   17Sep2024 07:26:40 UTC 2024-09-17T07:26:40Z


The Adafruit ItsyBitsy M0 microcontroller board breaks out the SAMD21 MCUMicrocontroller Unit on a small sized board (1.4in x 0.7in). The board includes a 2MB flash chip to store program code, Micro-B USB connector for power and programming, reset button, and programmable LEDLight Emitting Diodes.

ATSAMD21G18 32-bit 48MHz ARMAdvanced Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) Machines Cortex M0+
  • 2MB SPI Flash Chip
  • 256KB Flash
  • 32KB SRAMStatic Random Access Memory
  • 1x Micro-B USB connector (USB 2.0 Host or Device Full/Low speed)
  • 23x Digital I/OInput/Output with 13x PWMPulse-Width Modulation (3.3V Logic)
  • 11x Analog Inputs 12-bit ADCAnalog-to-Digital Converter (ADC, A/D, or A-to-D) (0V to 3.3V range)
  • 1x Analog Output 10-bit DACDigital-to-Analog Converter (DAC, D/A, or D-to-A) (0V to 3.3V range)
  • Communication interfaces (3.3V Logic): 1x UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter, 1x I2CInter-Integrated Circuit. Also referred to as IIC or I2C., 1x SPISerial Peripheral Interface, and 1x I2SInter-IC Sound.
  • SWCLK and SWDIO debug pins for reprograming the chip directly or attaching a debugger.
User Interface
  • 1x Reset Button
  • 1x Pin #13 Red LED (labeled 13) that pulses when in bootloader mode
  • 1x Programmable DotStar RGBRed Green Blue LED
The board can be powered by the Micro-B USB connector. There are also a few power related pins.
  • BAT input pin that you can connect a battery or other external source to power the board. You can put 3.5V to 6V into this pin and it will be regulated down by the 3V regulator.
  • USB output pin is the 5V VBUS voltage from the USB port.
  • 3V output pin is the regulated output from the onboard regulator that provides up to 500mA.
  • G is the common/ground/0V reference.
  • + - are two solder pads on the back of the board that you can optionally solder on a 2-Pin JST PH connector to power the board from an external battery. The connector is also tied to the BAT pin on the headers but it's convenient to just plug in a cable. The pads can take up 6V DC input, and has reverse-polarity, over-current and thermal protections. The circuitry inside will use either the battery or USB power, safely switching from one to the other.
Board Size
36.0mm x 17.8mm (1.4in x 0.7in)


Adafruit 3727 ItsyBitsy SAMD21 M0 Express Microcontroller Board
Package includes:
  • 1x ItsyBitsy M0 Express Board
  • 3x 16-Pin Straight Male Header
Price: $11.95(Updated 08Aug2024 00:35:512024-08-08T00:35:51Z UTC UTC)

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