LED Products
04Nov2023 02:23:36 UTC
16May2024 01:29:28 UTC
A Light-Emitting Diode (LEDLight Emitting Diode) is an electronic component that emits light when current passes through it. LEDs can be used as power indicators or I/OInput/Output data indicators. The LEDs provided below come in assorted kits with different colors and RBG LEDs that can emit Red, Green, or Blue light (you can also pulse width modulate the terminals of an RBG LED to get mixed colors). LEDs also have different diameter sizes, such as 3mm, 5mm, and 10mm. The 5mm LEDs are the most common size and can be very bright.
3mm LEDs
3mm Assorted LEDs
- 40x Red, 40x Orange, 40x Yellow, 40x Green, 40x Blue, 40x White, 40x Pink, 40x Purple(UV), 40x Chartreuse, 40x Warm-white
- 1x Plastic Organizer Box
- 100x Red, 100x Yellow, 100x White, 100x Blue, 100x Green
- 1x Plastic Organizer Box
5mm LEDs
5mm Assorted LEDs
- 90x Red, 90x Yellow, 90x White, 90x Blue, 90x Green
- 1x Plastic Organizer Box
- 40x Red, 40x Orange, 40x Yellow, 40x Green, 40x Blue, 40x White, 40x Pink, 40x Purple(UV), 40x Chartreuse, 40x Warm-white
- 1x Plastic Organizer Box
- 10x White, 10x Red, 10x Green, 10x Blue, 10x Yellow, 10x Orange
- 1x Plastic Organizer Box
- 100x White, 100x Red, 100x Green, 100x Blue, 100x Yellow
- 1x Plastic Organizer Box
5mm RGB LEDs
- 100x RGB LEDs
- 200x 430ohm 1/4 Watt Metal Film Resistor ±1% Tolerance (For DC 6V to 12V)
- 100x 470ohm 1/4 Watt Metal Film Resistor ±1% Tolerance (For DC 6V to 12V)
- 100x RGB LEDs
- 200x 430ohm 1/4 Watt Metal Film Resistor ±1% Tolerance (For DC 6V to 12V)
- 100x 470ohm 1/4 Watt Metal Film Resistor ±1% Tolerance (For DC 6V to 12V)
- 100x RGB LEDs
- 100x RGB LEDs
10mm LEDs
10mm Assorted LEDs
- 5x White, 5x Red, 5x Green, 5x Blue, 5x Yellow
- 5x Red, 5x Green, 5x Blue, 5x Yellow
10mm RGB LEDs
- 50x RGB LEDs
- 50x RGB LEDs
- 10x RGB LEDs
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